Whole Wheat Veggie Calzones

July 17, 2009 at 12:22 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments

So the present I gave myself on my birthday was to run 2.5 miles…the longest I’ve run post injury!!! I also went on a run outside with James..during which I may have yelled “I’M BACK BABY!!”

The other night we also made one of my fave meals of ours: Calzones!

I think pizza is quite possibly my fave food.


We used our usual go to recipe for pizza crust. It’s a Whole Wheat and Honey Pizza Dough recipe that is just delicious!


Mmmm! I cut my half into 4 pieces and took a piece to work with me everyday with a salad. It was such a delicious and filling lunch! It also felt a lot like I was just eating a little pocket sandwich since I could pick it up. Perfection.



James ate all of his in one sitting so everyday he would ask if he could have mine. I was greedy and kept my side all to myself! And definitely pushed them to the back of the fridge, hoping James wouldn’t be able to find it! Bwahhaha


Onions, Marinara Sauce, green peppers, yellow peppers, zucchini,  fresh tomatoes, sharp cheddar cheese and tofurkey sundried tomato sausage.



This salad just screams summer to me! The fresh crisp vegetables, the bright colors and the cooling. The cucumbers and tomatoes in this salad were so delicious and fresh. You really can’t beat farmers market vegetables.



Now I’m eating a piece of birthday cake (duh) and enjoying So You Think You Can Dance!! Woot! Okay I mainly just try to watch it because my BFF is obsessed with it.

Kay still on a high from being able to run again! Definitely stretching a ton though and still doing my hip exercises though. No more injuries!!

Have a good night!

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