Transforming the Hunt

June 28, 2009 at 9:36 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments
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Happy Sunday! Another great day here but boy is it HOT! James had today off from work (yay!) so we got so spend some time together which is always wonderful. We had a nice and slow morning before we got down to business:


Homemade Egg McMuffin I also had a half cup of coffee, a little bit of grapefruit juice and lots of water.


Thomas whole wheat English Muffin, Morningstar sausage patty, one scrambled egg, farmers market tomato and nutritional yeast….


…plus a farmers market peach which was ridiculously good. So juicy and perfectly sweet. I could eat these all day!


And some catching up on correspondence (snail mail is not dead people!!). I love goldens ❤

And a little view of James’ plate:



One of sausage egg + cheese and one of just egg + cheese. Those were the last of our Morning Star sausage patties. I don’t see us getting more any time in the near future. Too pricey and too many wacky ingredients. But they were fun to have while they lasted for sure. I love that maple sausage flavor! It reminds me of the Big Breakfast my dad would get me at McDonald’s when we were little. 

All eaten within view of the beautiful flowers we got at the farmer’s market! I had no idea there were so many different  kinds of sunflowers.



Fresh flowers really do brighten up my day. I love it!

After breakfast we loaded up and went apartment hunting. We need to move someplace closer to my law school. I’m going to have to commute for the first month or so but it’s just too far away for any longer then that. Luckily we live close enough that we can do a little bit of hunting each weekend. Today we looked at 4 places. Next weekend we plan on looking in a different area at 4 or 5 too. The perfect place is out there and we’re determined to find it!

When we got home I got my bake on. I ended up creating a muffin recipe which I’ve never done before! It was fun and kind of freeing. WIth baking I always feel like I need to pretty strictly follow a recipe, which I’m not a fan of. With these, I just kind of winged it until I got the desired consistency. I was happy with how they turned out!

Protein Trail Mix Muffins

  • 2 cups oat bran
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 c. packed brown sugar
  • 2 tbsps flax, ground + 6 tbsp water (to replace 2 eggs)
  • 1/2 c. plain NF yogurt
  • 1 smashed banana
  • 1/2 c. applesauce
  • 1 small chopped apple
  • 2 big handfuls trailmix
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • healthy sprinkle of cinnamon 

Preheat oven to 400. Mix dry together. Add wet ingredients. Add mix ins (vary however much you like). Bake for 15 minutes.



I sprinkled some oats on the top but I would advise against that. They just fell off. James was surprised by how much he liked these and I was happy with how they came out. They would be great for a mid morning snack or to have with a smoothie for breakfast. And of course they’re even better with peanut butter on them!

I see some bread baking in my future….See you later!

Farmers Market & Loving the Mini

January 19, 2009 at 2:10 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments
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Mini pizzas that is.

While James was on a business trip I had to get back to my roots of meals for one! One of my favorites is making mini pizzas, I used to make them on English muffins but then I FINALLY found these at our Harris Teeter:





I saw these out in the blogworld AGES ago and had been dying to try them.  So I took these puppies out for a little test drive.

For the marinara part I used some of this:


This was actually really good. It had been sitting in our cupboards for ages (well James’ cupboard and when we moved here it came along). It had a great blend of seasonings and it’s organic to boot!

For the cheese I used part skim Harris Teeter brand shredded cheddar cheese. I also sautéed some onions, spinach and carrots in some water until they were soft/wilted and put it on top of the cheese. I put them in a 350* oven for about 10 minutes (until cheese was melty) then broiled it for another 3-5 minutes and topped it with some crumbled goat cheese.



I ate these with a fork. I liked the sandwich thins better than the English muffins since they’re softer. I had a coupon for them at Lowes Food for $1.89 which is an awesome price for a packaged item like this. I’m not sure I’d buy them regularly for $3 when I can get a loaf of whole wheat bread for less than $2.

Paying attention to coupons and specials lets me still indulge in things I normally wouldn’t for price reasons…I just have to be keep my eye out and put in a little extra time now and then.

I spent some time yesterday and today doing some menu planning for the week. It was fun to look through cookbooks and magazines to come up with recipes and now we have a more comprehensive grocery list going to the store tomorrow! Hopefully this will help us keep to our supermarket budget. I’ll let you know how it goes. 

Farmers Market

We went to the farmers market today which was a little was pretty cold out so there weren’t many vendors there. No one there had my fave cameo apples 😦 Luckily I still have a couple left…

The loot:


4 Sweet Potatoes


Lots of onions


2 cucumbers (2 for $1)


1 Zucchini

= $5.17

And I also splurged a little and got this:


Pumpkin butter!! (please excuse the unattractive line down the front label…a little bit of pumpkin butter escaped in my excitement to do a taste test)

This stuff is awesome!! It tastes like pumpkin pie filling in spreadable form. I can really taste the cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. I’ve always been a big apple butter fan (in fact it was the first thing I made in the Crockpot I got for Christmas) so when my friend suggested I try pumpkin butter, it just sounded too good to resist. And, oh, it is.


I will definitely have to learn how to make this stuff.

Anyone have a good recipe for making pumpkin butter from a can of pureed pumpkin?

I used the zucchini we got today to make these awesome Chocolate Zucchini muffins from Happy Herbivore. They were really really good. Basically everything I could wish for…chocolatey, cakey, virtually fat free and made with wholesome ingredients.  James has already eaten three… make that four.


I heated mine up in the microwave for 30 seconds and topped it with some ice cream.

Now that’s a happy ending. 🙂

Whenever I can I try to buy local and to support small farmers and businesses. Not only do you get fresh and delicious produce at a reasonable price but you’re also contributing to your community. Does anyone else have a great farmers market or place to get local produce near them?

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