Warning: Domestication in Progress

March 9, 2009 at 10:39 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments
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Well yesterday was a very domestic day! It included cleaning the apartment, sewing up James’ fave pair of pants and baking some whole wheat bread!

I used a recipe I found through  Itzy’s Kitchen.

This was my first time making a bread with yeast so I was a little nervous! I wasn’t sure how much I should be kneading or how it should look after it had risen enough but it still turned out okay!

Before going into the oven:


After 30 minutes at 350:


So good! I’m glad it was half white flour and half wheat because it made it come out kind of fluffy and not so dense. I bet the fact that it was a yeast bread had something to do with that as well


James (aka the self proclaimed bread addict)  said he would give this bread a 10!! Woo! He even wrapped it up in a paper bag and ate other bread because he wanted to savor this one instead of eating it in one sitting! The highest of all James food compliments.

Then I was relieved of my domestic duties and James cooked me a delicious dinner! He used  this recipe  which he found with the thought of the many tomatoes and avocadoes still in our fridge in mind.

I was in charge of getting it started before he got home from work. This is mostly where the recipe was tweaked because, well, I pretty much always change recipes. I can’t help it! It’s like a tick.

So for the puree, instead of making two separate purees (lentil and split pea) I just mixed everything together in one pot. I also didn’t sauté bacon in it or sauté the veggies. I just chucked it all in a pot, let it boil then simmered it till the beans were soft. Then into the food processor it went!


It seemed pretty similar to pea soup to me. And I love pea soup so that works out well  🙂

Then I let the master do his work!!

Frozen Mahi Mahi we got from Trader Joe’s:


The whole meal assembled:


It’s not very colorful, especially since the avocadoes were on their last leg but it was delicious none the less! We used turkey bacon instead of regular bacon and wowee did it go well with the fish! The smoky flavor of the bacon tasted so good with the mild flavor of the mahi mahi. I liked the mahi mahi more then the tilapia we made a while back. I liked that it was meatier and had a definite flavor. The thicker filet cooks nicer too, in my opinion. James was able to brown up the sides nicely while leaving the inside nice and juicy.

Then today I tortured my dog. Okay not really. One of James’ undershirts was on the floor so I put it on Toby. He didn’t resist! I was pretty much rolling on the floor laughing.


I don’t think he noticed he was wearing a shirt. He just wanted to play!

Another beautiful day of weather today! Stay here spring!

Now I’m off to go for a swim! I think that will be better on my leg then the elliptical. I hope I can still get a good work out. Wish me luck!

What’s your favorite form of cross training?


Edited to add: Check out the giveaway over at Itzy’s Kitchen!!


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  1. That bread looks perfectly cooked!


  2. the bread looks amazing!
    OOOH and mahi mahi– so nice they named it twice 😀
    my favorite cross training is the elliptical– i like to read a magazine while i pedal away
    hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Great job on the bread!!!!

    I guess the elliptical becasue I find it pretty easy to read and watch TV.

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